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Large Oil Paintings Reproductions,Lowest Price USD20/piece/m2Changzheng Art Co.,Ltd.We are located in Dafen Oil painting Village,Buji Town,Longgang District,Shenzhen city,the famous dafen oil painting village started from 1989 and now dafen oil paintings are all over the world!About 100 artists and painters,250 m2 workshop,thousands of samples and stocks of oil paintings.In our canvas oil paintings artwork gallery ,You can find the High quality oil paintings with very reasonable price from us.All the oil paintings are 100% handmade and handpainted by our hard workers,talented oil paintings artists ,You can find all kinds of oil paintings on canvas ! Besides,we can make reproduction according to your requsts.Oil paintings from your photo,any size ,any image,we can paint for you! We can also make the frames for your request.With our good service and low price we have set up good cooperation with the clients who are in Europe,America,Japan etc.,in continuing efforts to provide the best... [Details]